Thursday, November 30, 2006

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Boy this sure is icing on the cake!!! Look how sweet they are to me, but they both arguing BUT ONLY about who is going to hold me or put me in my carseat, I can handle that... It actually prepares me for when all the boys will argue over me when I am older, nothing wrong with early training ahahhhahahhahh.
(this takes my breathe away)
I wont have to share it with anyone else, WOW did you see the sheets how stroft they are, this whole American thing has turned out to be really nice... between Big brothers, stroft sheets and my own bed I know I am going to like it here in America... Thanks ebrebody ahahhahha
Now this is my papaw he is helping me walk, (I first saw him at the airport, he came to welcome me home!! ) AFTER he helped me walk he got on the floor and played with me and my new toys. He owns his own jewelry store, but claims I am the RAREST GEM he has every seen, and that I am a precious jewel, now how sweet is that!!

We have to say that we REALLY miss our friends! Here we are at the Great Wall of China, I did some serious walking up the Great Wall, more exercise than I have done in a long time!
Here is Jim Davis with their precious cargo, below is a lovely picture of his wife and their daughter, Kristen, that girl can sing, she sung some american songs for us during traffic hour in our tour bus, she brought tears to my eyes... it was the sweetest moment! :)

This is Gerald and Michelle with their precious cargo as well! They are new parents after 14 years of marrige, it was a joy to see them as NEW parents!
Here is Sondra Davis and their daughter the famous vocalist from Ohio, you will read about her singing someday! And she was a wonderful big sister on the trip!!
Here we are on picture day at the White Swan Hotel Lily Mae is looking at the huge waterfall that the hotel had in the lobby!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
We really enjoyed Guanzho, the parks were incredible, I wish they would serve the wonderful buffet style breakfeasts' in the park that would be a great concept, in that case I would have to move to this area if they pulle that stunt!!

WHAT A SWEET LITTLE PRINCESS! WE ARE SO TRUELY BLESSED!! When we first got into our car at the airport Andrew or Dillon not sure which one said "now this is just what our family needed!" What a sweet comment! God has truely blessed us with such wonderful children!!

When I tell you that EVERYTHING in China is done in such professionalism I really mean it! We were very impressed with how everyone took their jobs (even the people who cleaned up the streets) so professional, the chinese really work hard and give their jobs 110 %!
Bless her heart sometimes she gets so sweety just beads of sweet lay on her face, we try to tell her "Babe, don't sweat the small stuff"

Monday, November 27, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
We are signing off here in China...
I want to thank the folks that took their time following our blog and sharing in our great experience of getting Lily... a dream that took almost two years to come true!
This Thanksgiving holiday will take on a new meaning for our family... we are very thankful & blessed to have Lily -- a true Thanksgiving!
Remember... last week she was an abandoned baby living in an orphanage... this week she's Lily Mae Dangler -- a beautiful baby that's loved & blessed beyond belief.
A week can make a difference!
Jeff D.
but she obviously hated them!

Hey heres LOOKIN at yaw

The Culture here is so interesting I loved walking up and down the streets there is so much to see and so many different things, truly amazing and intriguing!!! On top of adopting such a treasure we were blessed to have had a trip as well, I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Chinese Culture, icing on the cake, chocolate that is...hahahah

Aunt Sandy!!! I LOVE my bunny mom ties it to my stroller so I will not loose it, this was the first toy she gave me and I have loved it ever since, it is a little dirty just cause I play with it ALL the time, I love YOU and AMERICA

I am so amazed at all the varities of art this culture holds,
very talented and unusual art, love their talents!!
Monday, November 20, 2006
United Airlines
Flight: 5860
Date: Wednesday NOV 22nd
Leg: Chicago/Louisville
Depart Chicago 3:35 pm
Saturday, November 18, 2006

Hey EVERYONE!! thanks for my wardrobe, I must say I look pretty cute,!!

Life is just smooth sailing, thanks Aunt Faith and Kelly for the adorable outfit I love to wear it!
sometimes the bows just wear me out!!!

I can not tell you in words how much the whole experience has changed our lives, no amount of money or possessions could ever give such joy and completeness!!! Lily Mae Dangler has never had a home, a bed of her own, clothing not even a momma or a dadda to care for her. And icing on the cake is brothers that will love her to pieces. I don't know how to explain how I feel but when Lily looks me in the eyes I JUST MELT!! As I picked her up today (when she woke up) she just laid her head on my shoulders as she wrapped her little arms around my neck and I walked her over to the window and tears just STREAMED down my face, looking out at all the people and knowing that unless we had adopted her she would not have even been acknowledged by her culture, and when she would have left the orphange she would of had NO ONE, no family mother, or father, brother or sister, not relatives, no one to trace a connection to., where would she have gone she probally would have ended up in a sweat shop (most orphanes do) it absolutely crushed my heart and I looked to the heavens and gave praises to God our Father for allowing us the privledge and honor to have such a treasure. I have prayed over and over (especaially when flying over her province) that her biological mother would have peace the day we recieved Lily and that she would know, thru Gods blessings that she is cared for and loved, and that she would come to know Jesus just as her daughter will. I have to stop now the tears are pouring out again, I just can not tell you all how grateful I am (and Jeff) GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!! p.s. For those of you who have wondered... I LOVE HER AS MUCH AS IF SHE WAS OURS BIOLOGICALLY, there is NO difference at all. God Bless all of you, we are going out to shop and eat I LOVE ALL

We & baby are doing fine... just tired...
We'll add some new pics and content here soon.
If you want to see Lily's room here's the blog we were having trouble accessing in China...
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Changsha, Hunan was nice... big city... lots of Chairman Mao...
http://www.white-swan-hotel.com/eng/Public/index.asp -- Hotel
http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/59287.html -- Weather
http://china.scmp.com/map/ -- Map
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Take out

Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics National Stadium
